Fuck you Tea Partiers. (inspired by the poem Fuck the South)
Fuck you and your talk about Liberty and Tyrrany. Locking somebody up for 30 years for an ounce of pot is not tyranny but forcing insurance companies to sell policies to people with pre-existing conditions is? Fuck you.
Fuck you and you talk of the Constitution being a sacred uncghangeable document even while you love the Second Amemdment. Look up "amendment" in the dictionary assholes.
Fuck your talk of dealth panels. When a panel at an insurance company denies you treatment, and as a result you die, what the fuck kind of panel is that assholes?
Fuck you and your talk of being color blind. We have had one major piece of socialist legislation pass since the 1960s: Bush's Medicare Drug bill. And yet you save your cries of socialism for when a black president REGULATES the insurance industy? Assholes.
Fuck you and your talk of activist left-wind judges. Roberts is one the court about five minutes and he broadens a case to make sure corporations can contribute more to elections. So corporations have too little influence and we needed this? Fuck you.
Fuck you and your talk of taxes punishing the most productive members of society. Two words for you: Paris Hilton. Wait I have two more words: Fuck you.
Fuck you your love of Ayn Rand. That is some boring long-winded bullshit. You finally found somebody to tell you being selfish narcissistic assholes makes you the best kind of people. I'll tell you different: fuck you for being selfish assholes.
Fuck you and your talk of Medicare being terrible because it is not self-funded. The military aint self funded assholes.
Fuck you and your talk of principles. If you dislike income transfers as much as you claim, let's get your crazy Rand Paul club to say they want to eliminate Medicare and declare public schools to be unconstitutional. Easier to talk about principles than having them isn't it assholes?
Fuck your celebreties. Fuck your ignorant opportunistic frauds telling you assholes what you want to hear. Fuck your Beck, your Palin, and your O'Reilly. By the way the Civil Right Act was a good thing assholes.
Finally, fuck your fear. Fuck your fear of debt, brown people, Moslems, and educated people. "Elite" is a compliment assholes. I understand your fear, because for the first time in a century American white people have to compete based on merit alone. I would sympathize with you but as you pretend you like meritocracies (unless it involves a Mexican competing with you), all I have to say is FUCK YOU ASSHOLE TEA PARTIERS.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Deifying the founding fathers
Many Tea Party folks view the Constitution as a sacred document that must be followed the way the most insane religious fanatics follow their books. A corollary to that is that they start to deify the founding fathers. Note the founding fathers had no such ridiculous beliefs. One of the first things they did was start amending the Constitution. Of the many many stupid/ignorant views the Tea Partiers have, this one is perhaps the most central. On this July 4th weekend, let's remember that the founding fathers were interesting and sometimes great men, but a key part of their document was maintaining the enslavement of blacks so only the Tea Partiers could see them as perfect.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Why it is obvious the Tea Party is mainly about race
George Bush Bank Bailout : little outcry
George Bush unfunded Medicare Socialized Drugs for Seniors : little outcry
Obama Bank Bailout : OUTCRY
Obama insurance regulation : OUTCRY
The teaparty is the last gasp of the scummy racist whites that fought the civil rights movement. They make noise about liberty and fiscal responsibility, but it is all lies and deep down those KKK wannabes know it.
George Bush unfunded Medicare Socialized Drugs for Seniors : little outcry
Obama Bank Bailout : OUTCRY
Obama insurance regulation : OUTCRY
The teaparty is the last gasp of the scummy racist whites that fought the civil rights movement. They make noise about liberty and fiscal responsibility, but it is all lies and deep down those KKK wannabes know it.
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